Hi there!
Many of you, myself included, have been looking for this “Bible” after you bought this awesome coupe. In fact, without some fundamental instructions, many of you may have to make assumptions on repairs or restorations to keep this wonderful car in shape, right?
Automatically, it pulls you to ebay or similar online platforms, which can provide the necessary information but mostly for an unjustified sum. Sure, with people who are passionate, you can make a lot of money! This bothers me…
I bought this service book… and now, I want to make it freely accessible to you all! You will find the content pages as PDF files wich is downloadable in a single zip archive.

Content of the Download file:

In this PDF you will find a lot of very useful plans and graphical descriptions & instructions:

If it helps you to solve your issues or just make you feel better to have it for possible reparations, please let me know! I am happy about your feedbacks!
The others who want to criticize me for this free download, and actually want to make money with this, I will like to ignore.
Have fun and good luck to you all!!!